Hey, tell me about John Blaney - cos the name rings a bell. I seem to remember him from way way back.
But I got out a long time ago, during the age of dinosaurs and fountain pens.
my fave was roy renouf - district overseer.
always had time for me and seemed to keep thigs real.. heard that on a zone vist he told the governing body the branch was told old and grumpy or something like that!.
worst was michael purbrick.
Hey, tell me about John Blaney - cos the name rings a bell. I seem to remember him from way way back.
But I got out a long time ago, during the age of dinosaurs and fountain pens.
it seems more and more from what i read that if there is problems in congregations (i.e.
paedophilia) the wtbts are washing their hands of any wrongdoing and leaving the congregation and its elder's to carry the can.. is that how it is now?.
Interesting to see where this appears to be going - local control of the congregations and locally appointed elders? Then the Society can't be made to carry the can for any misdeeds in the congs. The only trouble with this is that it looks like heding back to the situation under Russell's presidency when all the ecclesias (congregations) were autonomous and responsible for their own affairs. Rutherford bullied his was into conrol and the final move was introducing central appointment of elders. And this reorganisation was so significant that the Society interpreted it as fulling the prophecy of the "cleansing of the sanctuary." (Daniel 8:13,14) Wonder how many faithful JWs will notice?
well.....what can i say...after lurking and much research and eventual signing up on this forum...i filled out my fs report for april with average hours and magazines, but i never went out in the ministry.. it feels odd, and i feel bad for filling out time that i knew i never did...i hate the idea of going out to people's door and telling them a lie...not sure how much longer i can do this for .
just had to vent!.
Interesting comments about folk just going through the motions. I've noticed for a few years now that whenver I see JWs out in FS they walk so slowly that they are almost at a standstill. Is this widespread or is it just a local thing?
how ironic, that in hebrew the word for god is actually the name of a canaanite god el.
ive recently been facinated by the etymology of word, particularly those in the bible.
anyone can change the meanings or definition of words like we have witnessed with the generation, but the word itself cannot be changed.
" This word is basically saying Jehovah is an El."
I suspect another possibility is that what are assumed to be different names for the same god in the Old Testament, originally were the names of different gods. So that the early stories which were incorporated into the OT documents were stories of different gods.
Try reading the story of Abraham and Isaac on this assumption. What seems to emerge is a story in which Yahweh (Jehovah) promises a son to Abraham and Sarah and then another god, Elohim, demands that they boy be sacrificed. Then Yahweh steps in and prevents the sacrifice. That seems to me to make much more sense of the story - but it makes nonsense of a lot of theologising!
Rob Crompton http://storytellersbible.blogspot.co.uk/
last night at church in doctrine class we were learning about eschatology among christians and there are three main views about the end-times/christ's millennial reign.
i wondered if jws are somewhat amillennial?
from wikipedia about amillennialism:.
Basically, pre-millennialism is the view that the second coming of Christ precedes the 1000 year reign. Post-millennialism, on the other hand isthe belief ingradual improvement and enlightenment of humanity which would lead to the millennium at the end of which the second coming could occur.
So, JWs are quite definitely pre-millennialist - definitely not amillenialist.
I'm not sure that post-millennialism continues in anything like the same form in which it become popular during the nineteenth century. It was associated with a lot of speculation about the place of America in divine providence. Many of the Puritan settlers believed that the society they were creating was God's new Israel and this view gained momentum with the formation of the Republic. This is the era which gave us the Battle Hymn ofthe Republic - Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.
Rob Crompton http://snigsfoot.blogspot.com
this is in response to a poster/troll who said that the jw life is the only way to raise a responsible, moral young person.
i have 3 sons--19, 18 and 14. the oldest two just finished up their first year in college-not community college(nothing wrong with that) they are at a state university.
one made the dean's list both semesters.
Hi, QE. She had lots of chances - but I was the very worst kind of apostate!
this is in response to a poster/troll who said that the jw life is the only way to raise a responsible, moral young person.
i have 3 sons--19, 18 and 14. the oldest two just finished up their first year in college-not community college(nothing wrong with that) they are at a state university.
one made the dean's list both semesters.
My son graduated last summer with an MA from Glasgow University and since then he's been teaching at a college in Spain.
My mother, a JW died recently without ever having met him.
about the only (uk) tv show i find worth watching is 'new tricks' - a drama series about three retired detectives re-employed to work on old cold-cases.
(it probably resonates with me because i am an old retired detective and can identify with each of the three in different ways).. .
i have just watched an episode with a jw twist and i can thoroughly recommend it.. .
Similar taste here, Joe. It's a great series.
RoC (South Wales)
anyone out there --- please be so kind to recommend the dawkins' children book re evolution.
i've ordered magic of reality but have a feeling it's the wrong book.
didn't see a children's book listed at amazon.
Dawkins's Magic of Reality is a super book! Give it your kids with confidence - and do read it yourself. This guy is a splendid writer and scientist.
For all those of you who think you didn't really grasp what scientific enquiry was all about whilst you were at school, this is the book to get.
Readership age range? 9 to 90, I'd say.
i wonder if any of you folk have posted anything on your blogs or websites about this scandalous wt article?.
links, please?.
here's mine:.
Oodad said: "The kind, loving elder that Chaired the meeting encouraged me by saying that if we were still under the Mosaic Law they would take me outside and stone me to death."
Quite a lot of us had that one thrown at us. Nice people these JWs!